Your Donation Saves Lives!
We count on your donations to continue our life-saving work. As a non-profit organization with no paid staff members, our dedicated volunteers work tirelessly on behalf of local animals. And our efforts are paying off. Our innovative programs have been credited with reducing the number of animals who are euthanized at our local animal control facility. Our dream is that one day, no adoptable animals will be killed in area shelters. We thank you for helping us realize this dream.Visit the donation page to see where your money goes.

  Reprinted from WashingtonPost.com

Declawed Cats Can Resort to Biting

Dear Dr. Fox: I have a Maine coon cat that I adopted from a shelter. He  is
disabled with one short leg, and I was told he must remain an indoor cat. I had
him declawed as well as altered. He is a great companion and very affectionate,
although he will not sit on my lap.

To view the entire article, click here

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Animal Advocates of Howard County | PO Box 1403 • Ellicott City, MD 21041
(410) 880-2488 •